Organic content ↴

One common strategy of a couple of this month’s winners that brought them new customers from their organic content is: two-step reach. The idea is to make content and ask viewers to send you a DM or leave a comment if they want to got some additional resource / free content. This gives you the permission to send them the resource they asked for - make that resource available only in your free skool community. Your free community becomes the lead magnet. Then you sell them whatever is your core offer. Comment to follow up comment works great. It boosts engagement on those posts so more people that want the thing will see the post and comment to get the thing.


The people that got most of their traffic through IG posted 2-3 times a day. They optimize when they post based on time-zones: usually people are more active in the morning hours 9-11am or late at night. So figure out what is that in your time-zone and post at that time.

Hormozi posted 35k pieces of content in the last 3 years. He is now posting 450 pieces of content every week across all platforms**.** When he started posting on social media at high volumes, he did one recording session every 90 days. Now he does 2 full recording days a week. He analyzed all of these and learned these things:

*CTAs for free stuff in your content are ok. It’s not taking anything from the audience.

Once you have enough content, you can start recycling your top 10% pieces of content from one year ago and sprinkle them in your weekly posting schedule.


Always follow this rule for audience growth: state the facts and tell the truth. Say what no-one else can say. Show what no-one else can show. Once people see something they haven’t seen anywhere else, they’ll click your profile and look at what you do. Your profile should answer these two question: “Who is this person and why should I listen to them?”.

Change “how to” to “how I”. Alex talks about this a lot and still people don’t do it. People don’t care about how to do something, they want to know how you did it. There’s only 1 you, that’s the uniqueness that makes you grow.

The best version of this is: “I helped all these people just like you do this thing”. One level below that is: “I did this thing that you also want to do - and you are like me so you want the same thing”. And going deeper it is: “I did this work that you’re not willing to do and here’s what I’ve learned”. In any of these it’s not “how to” anymore. It’s what you did specifically, and what you’ve learned. People want to learn lessons, they don’t care about people that tell them what to do.

If you don’t have any proof, another great version of this is talking about how someone else did the thing. Choose someone successful that has the proof that he did it, and talk about how he did it. This is credibility hacking and it’s insanely powerful when you’re starting out.

Value per second